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Agent Groups version 2

It would be great if agent groups could be rated with a priority eg. like the AD import - Because then it would be nice, when users imported and tagged for more than one Agent Group could be a part of an automated-created Agent Group, with some algorithm to create the name of the Group based on the other groups the agent is a part of - And the CallerID is set based on the priority (If the priority is the same, then use an algorithm when automate assigned Caller-ID)

This would be a great feature - And the automated AgentGroups should be shown with another color/name so it's very clear it's an automated-created Agent-Group.

It should NOT be possible to assign an agent to the same queue more than once, again the priority should overrule.

If same priority then this should be the order of priority:



3:Standby agent

  • Guest
  • Nov 15 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 02, 2023 08:12

    Any dates for when we can excpect this?

  • Admin
    Henrik Skourup commented
    December 09, 2022 08:35

    Hi Thomas,

    Thank you for your input and idea. This is something we are currently looking into, and we have added your notes to the requirements for the update to our Agent Groups and the way they behave in relation to import. The final result should address your requirement, however, the final result might look slightly different from what you have written here.

    Best Regards

    Product Management