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IVR Menus - når man har brugt f.eks. IVR digit 1, skal denne mulighed ikke kunne vælges igen

Det kan være svært at holde styr på, hvilke IVR muligheder man har kodet, og hvilket nummer i rækken, man er kommet til.

Hvis man har valgt 1, så skal man ikke kunne vælge den igen fra listen osv.

It can be difficult to keep track of which IVR options you have coded and which number in the row you have reached.

If you have chosen 1, you should not be able to choose it again from the list, etc.

  • Guest
  • Feb 2 2024
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  • Guest commented
    April 18, 2024 09:02

    Dear Monica,

    Thank you for sharing your idea. We appreciate your feedback and will definitely look into it when working on Configuration management improvements.

    Best regards,

    Product Management