As today, there are only the possibilty to filter on group displayname.
We should be able to use other filters - maybe even graph format.
So filters like these and maybe others would be VERY nice:
Get all users with the name Mary across multiple properties:
startswith(displayName,'thomas') or startswith(givenName,' thomas ') or startswith(surname,' thomas ') or startswith(mail,' thomas ') or startswith(userPrincipalName,' thomas ')
Get all users with mail domain equal to '' (Advanced Query):
Get all users in the ITPO and MUDI departments:
department in ('ITPO', 'MUDI')
List users with a particular service plan that is in a suspended state:
assignedPlans/any(a:a/servicePlanId eq 2e2ddb96-6af9-4b1d-a3f0-d6ecfd22edb2 and a/capabilityStatus eq 'Suspended')&$count=true. This is an advanced query.
List all users whose company name is not undefined (that is, not a null value) or Mynuuday. (Advanced Query):
companyName ne null and NOT(companyName eq 'Mynuuday')&$count=true
List all users whose company name is either undefined or Mynuuday. (Advanced Query):
companyName in (null, ' Mynuuday ')&$count=true
Use OData cast to get transitive membership in groups with a display name that starts with 'a' including a count of returned objects. (Advanced Query):
startswith(displayName, 'a')
This is a splendid suggestion. We are starting implementation in week 38 2021.